Israel-Palestine conflict Explained

The French and the British ended up making contradictory claims to Jews and Arabs during the World War and both sides have clung on to those false promises; That is what the Israel-Palestine conflict is all about. The detailed mess : During the world war, France and Britain were jointly tasked with liberating the Levant (the area we now know as Syria, Jordan, Israel and a few surrounding territories). In 1916, Britain and France concluded the Sykes–Picot Agreement , which proposed to divide the Middle East between them into spheres of influence, with "Palestine" as an international enclave. In 1917, the British promised the Jews an independent homeland in Israel, in exchange for their assistance against the Ottomans, as per the The Balfour Declaration . The area was still under Ottoman rule back then. In 1926, after the war was over and the Ottomans were long gone, the League Of Nations (what we now know as the UN) passed a resolution known as Briti...